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Linking 、linking sound什么意思

   日期:2023-04-10     浏览:55    评论:0    
核心提示:linking与seem区别?"Linking"和"seem"都是英语动词,但它们的用法和含义有所不同。"Linking"是指将两个或多个事物联系在一起,使它们形成一个整体。例如:"The bridg



"linking"是指将两个或多个事物联系在一起,使它们形成一个整体。例如:"The bridge links the two cities together."(这座桥将两个城市连接在一起。)

"Seem"则表示某事物看起来或似乎是某种情况。例如:"She seems unhappy tod***."(她今天看起来不开心。)


这个linking在句中做什么成分?还有后面的in what在句中引导什么从句。

Hidden beneath the surface in the roots of Earths astonishing and diverse plant life, there exists a biological superhighw*** linking together the members of the plant kingdom in what researchers call the "wood wide web".

过支分词短语作状语:Hidden beneath the surface in the roots of Earths astonishing and diverse plant life

there be句型的变式(there exists) there exists a biological superhighw*** linking together the members of the plant kingdom in what researchers call the "wood wide web".

linking together the members of the plant kingdom 分词短语作定语,修饰superhighw***

in what researchers call the "wood wide web为there be句型的状语,相当于there is an apple on the desk中的on the desk的功能。

what researchers call the "wood wide web为宾语从句,作介词in的宾语,宾语从句由what 连接,what在宾语从句作call的间接宾语,相当于call *** sth中的***。


linking 基本解释:n. 耦合;联系;连接;化键合;v. 连接( link的现在分词 );联系;相关联;说明(两件东西或两人之间)有联系(或关系)。

linking 用法和例句提示:

1、The motorw*** linking islamabad to peshawar was also closed .连接伊斯兰堡和白沙瓦的高速路也收到了影响。

2、linking your new habits to other pleasant changes can help .将新习惯其他令人愉悦的转变联系起来也有一定的帮助。

3、There is an age-old dream of linking india and china through burma .在缅甸有一个连接中国和印度的古老梦想。

4、This is why linking technology to learning objectives is so important .这也是把科技和客观事物联系起来如此重要的原因。

5、Experts overseas have been more explicit in linking overdevelopment with the disaster .海外专家则更加明确地将过度开发与此次灾难之间联系起来。

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标签: 宾语 从句 分词

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